Screen Components

Each time you start ProView, the ProView desktop appears on your screen. ProView will automatically load the last project you had open. If you are running ProView for the first time or if you had no project open when ProView was last closed, the ProView desktop will appear blank.

ProView Desktop

The menu bar is the top line on the screen and lists the available menus. A menu contains a list of choices or commands that you may select.

Mouse Operations

As with all Windows applications the mouse may be used to perform many tasks in ProView. In addition the right mouse button provides pop-up menus in the editor and in the project window providing quick access to functions and options found in the pull-down menus.

The following sections explain how to use both the keyboard and the mouse to perform operations in ProView.

Keyboard Operations

You may use the keyboard interface Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, and Right Arrow keys as well as the Enter, Esc, Space, and Tab keys to navigate through menus and dialog boxes.

You may use accelerator keys with pull-down menus and dialog boxes. Accelerator keys provide you with a two-key sequence for accessing menu names and items and dialog box controls. To use accelerator keys, you must press Alt in combination with one other key. Accelerator keys in menu names and items and control option names in dialog boxes are indicated by a single bold, colored character. Pressing Alt in combination with that character will immediately select that item.

Many items respond to shortcut keys. In pull-down menus, for example, shortcut key combinations are displayed to the right of a menu item. Shortcut key combinations usually involve pressing the Alt or Ctrl key in combination with another key. For example, Alt + K indicates that you must hold the Alt key while pressing and releasing the K key.

The ProView editor responds to key sequences that you may assign to any of the editor functions. When a programmed key sequence is recognized by the editor, the corresponding editor function is executed.

Pull-down Menus

Most ProView commands are available through the menu bar. You may access each menu using either the mouse or the keyboard. In ProView, you must first select a menu and then select one of the commands from that menu.

ProView Menu Commands

You interact with ProView by using pull-down menu commands. Commands are available to open, save, and close edit windows; cut, copy, and paste text; compile source files; run debugger/simulator; setup development tool and environment options; manipulate windows; and request help.

Many of these commands are described in detail in subsequent sections. This section introduces several menu commands and shows you how to open and close edit windows, print, and exit ProView. A summary of all menu commands is included at the end of this section.

File Menu Commands