Output Files

The A51 assembler generates a number of output files during assembly. By default, each of these output files shares the same basename  as the source file. However, each has a different file extension. The following table lists the files that are generated and gives a brief description of each.

File Extension



Files with this extension are listing files that contain the formatted source text along with any errors detected by the assembler. Listing files may optionally contain symbols and assembly code generated. Refer to the PRINT control in the following sections for more information.


Files with this extension are object modules that contain relocatable object code. Object modules may be linked into an absolute object module by the L51 Linker/Locator. Refer to the OBJECT control in the following sections for more information.


The A51 assembler may create error output files which contain only errors encountered during assembly. There is no default extension for error files. Refer to the ERRORPRINT control in the following sections for more information.


Listing File

The following is a sample listing file produced by the A51 assembler when invoked by the following command line.

Error File

The following is a sample error file produced by the A51 assembler when invoked bye the following command line.