Why pay extra to get a fully featured RTX system?

Brief: The Franklin Software Release tool set based upon the version 6 compiler, version 4 assembler, and V6 WinSim-51 debugger/simulator is a part of the Release VIII software package. Each PK51 Kit delivers three versions of our powerful new RTX real time kernel.

Applicability: All users who need to be able to quickly design and implement an RTOS kernel without the hassle of having to deal with a hoard of implementation and esoteric design issues not related to getting the job done.

Summary: Our latest Release VIII product PK51 Kit offering includes three versions of our RTX real-time kernel. Franklin Software pioneered the delivery of complete kits with RTOS modules in 1990. We continue the trend today.

Often as not, a programmer has shifting needs and goals as a project develops. Either he gets an RTX-Tiny RTOS that runs out of power, or he gets the full featured version of our older professional RTOS (at a $2000.00 premium) and finds that it's too big and slow to meet his needs. So Franklin again provides the best answer! We now bundle all three RTOS systems with each PK51 kit! The capabilities are listed below:

  1. RTX-Tiny: This is the smallest and most compact model. RTX-Tiny requires only DATA and IDATA space. It can manage up to 8 tasks at a time (0-7), with #7 being reserved by the system. It requires no explicit XDATA memory for operation (unless mailboxes are used). It can, however, access all XDATA space in the usual manner.

    RTX-Tiny requires 1 byte of BDATA space for state, 5 bytes of DATA space for clock/timer and SP initialization, and 10 bytes of IDATA space.

    In addition, on a per task basis it consumes 3 bytes of DATA space, and 3 bytes of IDATA for stack storage.

    Code size is number and complexity of tasks dependent, but can be less than 800 bytes. With an additional 200 bytes if semaphores are used, and 300 bytes if mailboxes are used.

    The kernel uses TIMER0 for its interrupt services.
  2. RTX-Standard: This is the “normal” kernel suitable for all but the most complex and demanding applications.

    RTX-Standard requires 256 bytes of XDATA space, can manage up to 29 tasks at a time. It uses 1 byte of BDATA space for state, 5 bytes of DATA space for clock/timer and SP initialization and 10 bytes of IDATA space.

    In addition it requires 3 bytes of DATA space if the DEBUG libraries are used and 4 bits of BDATA space for semaphore versions.

    Code size is number and complexity of tasks dependent, but can be less than 900 bytes. Add approximately 200 bytes if semaphores are used, and 300 bytes if mailboxes are used.

    The kernel uses TIMER0 for its interrupt services.
  3. RTX-Professional: This is the “huge” (fully featured) version requiring at least 1K of XDATA space.

    RTX-Professional can manage up to 125 tasks at a time, support cascaded timer events, uses 1 byte of BDATA space for state, 5 bytes of DATA space for clock/timer and SP initialization info, 4 bytes PER TASK of XDATA space, and 10 bytes of IDATA space.

    In addition it requires 3 bytes of DATA space if the DEBUG libraries are used, and 4 bits of BDATA space for semaphore versions.

    Code size is number and complexity of tasks dependent, but can be less than 1 KByte. Add approximately 200 bytes if semaphores are used, and 300 bytes if mailboxes are used. The kernel uses TIMER0 for its interrupt services.